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LYNX Hollow Jolly Roger I

DOB - 4/12/2019

ABGA 100%

When we decided we needed another buck, we had a few specific things we were looking for, and more bulk was close to the top of the list. We had a whole pasture full of Designer daughters that were smooth, correct, and long, and we needed a buck that would add size and bulk to them to improve in that next generation. We were lucky, because Cary at Lynx Hollow Boers had just what we needed. "JR" was a year old, and already weighed over 250lbs. He wasn't just fat and fluff either, he was all meat! He truly did not disappoint when it came to his offspring, they are long, thick, and just overall meaty kids! 


MEWF Dancing in Smokey Wrangler

DOB - 11/20/2020
ABGA 100%


Wrangler is our junior herd sire for the 2021-22 season. His mom was purchased out of California summer of 2020, and she just happened to break in with her old owner's buck herd the day before she came to live in Oregon. Wrangler and his sister were pretty awesome looking oops babies! His first kidding season was more than we even hoped for. The kids all hit the ground both structurally correct, and extremely colored!  


HRDR 401K Tribal Tattoo

DOB - 03/01/2019 
ABGA 100%


We were so ecstatic when we got the opportunity to purchase Tribal Tattoo. He was exactly what we needed to take the colored portion of our herd to the next lever. He is impressive in both his confirmation and his pedigree, I mean, check out all of those ennoblements, and let his photos speak for themselves! We can't wait for his kids to hit the ground during our 2023-24 kidding season. 


We are not so patiently awaiting our first full season of Tribal Tattoo babies to hit the ground in the winter of 2023-24! 

MEWF Some R Jolly

DOB - 01/28/2022 
ABGA 100%


We had originally planned to sell "Jolly JR", and then opted to prove him out on some of our percentage does. We definently weren't disappointed! These kids hit the ground stout, and grew rapidly. 


He will be available for sale winter of 2023 after we use him on a few more does. 


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