Huckleberry Ridge Violet
DOB - 04/03/2017
ABGA 88%

Violet is a very thick made doe. She is an easy kidder and produces some very nice kids! She may not be the longest doe in the barn, but don't let that fool you, she is a powerhouse!

MEWF Stetson's Eclipse
DOB - 02/23/2021
ABGA 75%

Eclipse excited us the second she hit the ground. She is out of one of our home grown does that continuously overproduces herself even though she's a small doe that isn't anything special to look at. We really look forward to watching Eclipse grow and be part of our colored herd.


MEWF Cobalt's Onxy
DOB - 05/28/2018
ABGA 50%

Onyx is one of those does that has over-produced herself with each kidding! She had twins out of Valley View Stetson her first year kidding, and had a very pretty slate grey headed doeling that we have retained! Her second kidding was even more impressive with a coal black doeling, a traditional doeling, and a black headed buckling. She isn't a very big doe, but she feeds her kids like crazy and mothers them amazingly!